七海健絡強新 – 升級配方

七海健絡強新 – 升級配方
適合關節痛楚出現超過3 年或以上的人士使用

七海健絡強新 – 升級配方 在強效止痛之餘,同時減少軟骨磨蝕。其高濃度的天然海洋精華Triomega®和Glucomega®,讓你的關節保持靈活自如。七健健絡強新不含防腐劑, 亦不含藥物成分, 骨科醫生確認其成分有效++。

• 關節減痛功效超過 80%1+
• 關節僵硬度可減低64 %1+
• 有助軟骨重生2
• 提升關節液潤滑度2
• 保護關節軟組織3

七海健絡強新 – 升級配方 適合關節痛楚出現超過3 年或以上的人士使用

1. Gruenwald J. et. al., Adv Ther (2009), 26(9): 858-871
2. James C. et. al., Journal of Athletic Training 2001; 36(4): 413-419
3. Giordano N. et. al., Current Therapeutic Research (2009). 70(3): 185-196
4. Goldberg RJ, et al. Pain 2007; 129:210-23. 2.
+ Clinical effectiveness based on daily dose of 1.5g glucosamine sulftate 2KCl and 1.3g fish oil containing 600mg omega-3 fatty acids in combined formulation. Individual response may vary. Gruenwald J. et. al., Adv Ther (2009), 26(9): 858-871
+ + Principal Investigator reported ‘good effect’ under global efficacy evaluation after 26 weeks daily use by patients of 1.5g glucosamine sulfate 2KCL and 1.3g fish oil containing 600mg omega-3 fatty acids in combined formulation. Gruenwald J. et al., Adv Ther (2009), 26(9):858-871.
*Ipsos’s Survey result of Seven Seas Users in Dec 2012